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  • Alan

Getting back on the horse (or...hope springs eternal!)

I have spent the last couple of months working with an awesome gum printer in Poland (thank you Marek), who connected with me through one of the Facebook groups. I was trying to improve my processes and get results nearer to his. He has very kindly spent a load of time messaging back and forth and sharing his working practice, including me emailing one of my images, which he worked on, produced a gum print and then posted back the finished piece and negatives.

I have learnt so much and although I havent cracked it to the way I would like with multi coloured gum prints, and it has been VERY frustrating, I have had to 'park it' for now and get back to some printing. After many many unsuccessful outcomes in the testing I have emerged from the Rabbit Hole and just needed to print something....anything.... to prove to myself that I still could.

So..... this one has gone back to using most of my own techniques, adjustment curves and pigment formulas etc and I am really pleased with it. I can say that I have incorporated a couple of changes to my working practices on this one following my work with Marek and I can see a subtle improvement in tonality and sharpness. I hope you agree.

This image was taken in Umbria and is a gum print comprised of 4 layers of pigment from a single negative.

Until next time....

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