After (another) hiatus and period of inactivity, and much 'shall I shan't I...ing..' I have pulled myself together and commited to exhibiting at the inaugural Print Fest Wolverhampton. It takes place on 9-10 November at Newhampton Arts Centre, with a Preview night involving wine and nibbles on Friday 8th, I think from 6-8pm. All l8 stands are booked and there are several print makers doing drop in demos and workshops over the weekend too, so it should be a fabulous event. I will be bringing a wide selection of my work and also hope to be doing a few Cyanotype Demonstrations over the weekend too, to maybe inspire you to have a go yourself. Unfortunately Wolves are at home on Saturday 9th with a 2pm kick off, which will affect parking in the area, so please bear that in mind if you are thinking of attending. I hope to see you there!