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  • Alan

Yeah Right......

I know I know, I posted last in November, proclaiming that maybe I was back. I was wrong! Depression and low mood struck, took away all my interest and mojo and made life a bit of a struggle for all kinds of reasons, including artistically. There have been seeds of possibilities around, just like spring I guess, and last week I took my first ever workshop in the Cyanotype process. I met some lovely people from an Art Group in Wolverhampton and we had a good day exploring the possibilities. Something to contemplate to do again in one form or another. I had plenty of the chemicals left, and I have left my gum printing to one side whilst I try to figure out some 'difficulties' with the process, so I produced a couple of cyanotypes yesterday. I seem to have got the negative and process sorted for these, and have become more interested in toning them to create further effects. This one is a heavily manipulated old image I had of a sunflower, printed as a Cyanotype, and then toned using boiled fenugreek seeds. The effect is quite special I think, I hope you agree.

The second one is in my gallery if you would like to have a look. That one was toned in a boiled solution of Yerba Mate Tea, which again produces a lovely effect.

I am not going to say 'I'm back' again, in case I dont get there, but OI hope you see that I am at least around, sort of live and sort of kicking!

Till next time!

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