I need to stop apologising for the time between posts. There are all kinds of reasons, lack of new work to show, lack of impetus, lack of belief in my work, lack of belief in myself. All of which have coincided with recovering from a shoulder op and left me 'out of sorts'. I am still in that place, but have at least been making art lately, some of which isn't yet ready to show to the world. This one is though and I am so bleeping proud of it. Taken recently at our local heritage site, The Black Country Living Museum I have made a monochrome gum print using four layers and two pigments. Gum Printing can be a bit hit and miss sometimes, but I seem to be getting a bit of consistency and I feel that I really nailed this one. I put it on social media yesterday and had sold it less than two hours later. A lovely feeling, albeit a bit sad too, even though I know it is going to a lovely home. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it, one of those rare times when everything seems to fall into place.
