This is a Gum Print of an image I took at Sunrise in Venice a few years ago. Don't feel sorry for me, we went in December so the sun didn't rise till about 7am, and we were back in time for breakfast no problem! This image ended up with 10 layers, which built the colour depth up really well. I nearly messed up though, as the last layer, a yellow, was set for an exposure time of 1m 30 seconds. I started it off, then took a phone call.....and 15 minutes later......EEEK, Yikes and 'Oh Deary me' (but maybe a bit stronger words were actually used). I thought it had ruined it, but after I stopped crying I could see that it was actually OK, albeit a much heavier feeling to it, more reminiscent of a Turner painting maybe? Anyway here it is. I printed it again, far more delicately, and that will be on the next blog post.
- Alan